RESOLVE: Network Conference – Panels Revealed

The RESOLVE: Network Conference 2024 panels have just been announced: Are you passionate about peacebuilding and eager to make a difference? Asfar’s and RESOLVE: Network’s dedicated young volunteers, in partnership other peacebuilding NGOs, are crafting a one-of-a-kind event filled with keynote speakers, practical activities and insightful learning sessions. Make sure to follow us and save … Continued

Achieving social change and working towards peaceful societies

Me (Tinatin), Nino, Dato and Irakli (From Georgia) have participated in the Erasmus+ programme “RESOLVE: Peace Camps Dialogue Event” which took place in London, in May 2022. During the programme, we gained knowledge about conflict management types and peacebuilding. For me, the most remembered day was visiting Europe House, as we had valuable experience there, … Continued

Erasmus+ RESOLVE: Peace Camps London Dialogue Event

More than 25 participants from the UK, Cyprus, Hungary, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey have joined us for our Erasmu+ RESOLVE: Peace Camps Dialogue Event in London. Through different activities, participants got to know each other better, as well as found out more about the project and its objectives. In addition, they have been … Continued

Digital Talks: Ordinary Heroes, an educational peacebuilding program

Our next Digital Talks: Ordinary Heroes, an educational peacebuilding program will be on the 18th May at 3:30pm UK/4:30pm CET with Tatjana Milovanović and Benisa Bibuljica from PCRC. Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) is a leading non-governmental organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), internationally recognized for its innovative approaches to peace education, transitional justice, violence prevention, and … Continued

A very successful RESOLVE: Network Youth Conference

The RESOLVE: Network Youth Conference was organised on the 10th December 2020 has brought together 142 delegates, speakers and team members who joined this 6 hours long conference to mark UN75. The Conference started with a keynote speech from Jonathan Eshpar, Political Affairs Officer with the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. During the first Panel … Continued

RESOLVE: East – Youth Exchange e-Film launched!

Asfar has just released the Erasmus+ RESOLVE: East Reconciliation for Development Youth Exchange e-Film! Celebrating young peoples’ journey as they develop their reconciliation and peacebuilding skills, life skills, leadership and intercultural skills, while meeting their peers from different countries and launching the youth-wing of the RESOLVE: Network.  

RESOLVE: East – Social Action e-Film launched

Asfar has just released the Erasmus+ RESOLVE: East Social Action e-Film! Celebrating Resolvers’ journey and achievements as they design, plan and organise their own community social action and manage the youth-wing of the RESOLVE: Network. To watch the film, visit –

Free trip to Istanbul – building inter-cultural reconciliation

Asfar’s is currently recruiting UK participants aged 18 to 30 to participate in our Erasmus+ RESOLVE: East activity in Istanbul, Turkey. The dates are: 10th December 2018 to 16th December 2018. The youth exchange is specifically aimed at young adults who wish to develop their skill-sets to be our communities’ future Peacebuilders, leaders and be … Continued

Free trip to Sarajevo – the city which changed the world

Asfar’s is currently recruiting UK participants aged 18 to 30 to participate in our Erasmus+ RESOLVE: East activity in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. The dates are: 5th November 2018 to 11th November 2018. The youth exchange is specifically aimed at young adults who wish to develop their skill-sets to be our communities’ future Peacebuilders, leaders … Continued

Erasmus+ RESOLVE: East – dates announced

  Erasmus+ RESOLVE:EAST is a reconciliation youth exchange & network programme, which aims to use the power of Conflict Resolution tools such as Simulation Games, Sport for Peace and wider reconciliation tools and learning to resolve local and community-level conflicts which especially affects young people today. So 3 of the 4 youth exchange dates have now … Continued

Reconciliation through Betzavta training

My experience on a Asfar conflict resolution training programme abroad. An interview with Emma Knight   Emma participated in an Asfar international reconciliation programme called Betzavta in December 2017 and March 2018 to develop her skills both as a team leader and to manage conflict situations.     How did you hear about it and … Continued

Betzavta 2018

In March 2018, Asfar’s young people and youth workers traveled to Berlin as part of the reconciliation training programme :Erasmus+ Betzavta!   Delivered in Berlin, Germany between 10th to 16th March 2018, Asfar’s representatives spent 6 days learning how to mobilise the Betzavta method for conflict resolution as a reconciliation tool. Betzavta in March 2018 was … Continued

Erasmus+ Betzavta – Poland – Dec 2017

  In December 2017, 3 UK youth workers traveled to Poland to participate in Erasmus+ Betzavta. Asfar is a member of the Betzavta partnership, a reconciliation and peacebuilding methodology and training network.   Youth Workers participated in Erasmus+ Betzavta in Poland from 7th to 13th December, 2017. Asfar is currently recruiting for the second Betzavta training … Continued

Erasmus+ Betzavta launched

  Asfar is a member of the Betzavta partnership and has just launched Erasmus+ Betzavta. Asfar is seeking 3 Youth Workers, Teachers, Trainers or other Educators interested in participating in a new Reconciliation and Peacebuilding training course and develop their skills in community conflict resolution methods of delivery. The first training course will take place … Continued

Erasmus+ S4C: Baku and Marakesh

In May and June, Asfar was involved in two Erasmus+ youth exchange in Azerbaijan and Morocco, as part of our Sport 4 Change programme stream, which aims to mobilise sport for development to promote skills, encourage cultural engagement among people of different backgrounds and conflict resolution. Participants from Morocco, UK, Israel and Azerbaijan spent a … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Asfar team.

Published by Asfar in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)