Our next Digital Talks: Ordinary Heroes, an educational peacebuilding program will be on the 18th May at 3:30pm UK/4:30pm CET with Tatjana Milovanović and Benisa Bibuljica from PCRC.
Post-Conflict Research Center (PCRC) is a leading non-governmental organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), internationally recognized for its innovative approaches to peace education, transitional justice, violence prevention, and post-conflict reconciliation.
One of PCRC’s flagship programs is Ordinary Heroes – a multimedia educational peacebuilding program that utilizes stories of rescue and moral courage to promote tolerance, reconciliation, and interethnic cooperation. A special portion of Ordinary Heroes is its multimedia programming, including a documentary series depicting real-life stories of Bosnian citizens, who, by choosing to rescue the ‘other’, became heroes in a time when their country was committing acts of genocide.
During the interactive session on May 18th , you will have a chance to engage with PCRC’s staff and watch one episode of the Ordinary Heroes documentary series that tells the story of Bosnian rescuer Zoran Mandlbaum, a Jewish man from the city of Mostar who had the choice to leave during the Bosnian war, but the legacy of the Holocaust motivated him to stay and initiate various humanitarian efforts to help those trapped within the city and nearby concentration camps.
Register now for the Digital Talks: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83699633848?pwd=LzcvcURrSWh2RVRRMVJZQUE5VE1CZz09