Learning methods
RESOLVE and Reconciliation for Development are developed through utilising the most effective:
- conflict resolution
- reconciliation &
- peacebuilding techniques
developed in post-war countries where social intolerance, xenophobia and racism were a key cause of conflict.
The RESOLVE model aims to focus on the socio-economics needs of a country such as:
- employability & life skills
- youth development
- women economic empowerment
- social inclusion
The RESOLVE model recognises that often socio-economics, especially community poverty, is one of the key routes to conflict, community division and isolation.
The key methods of the RESOLVE model are:
- Interfaith & people to people dialogue
- Sport for Peace
- Theatre & Creative methods
- Mediation
- Simulation games
- Democracy & Citizenship
- Social Action & Volunteering
Through a range of activities including:
- Youth Exchanges & Trainings
- Dialogue transnational & local activities
- Inter-cultural engagement
- Digital learning
- Volunteering placements
Asfar is always keen to learn about new methods/activities to deliver through more channels.
All RESOLVE programmes incorporate a range of ‘Reconciliation for Development’ life skills, which are: