Asfar e-Journal – Call for contributions

Asfar is looking for contributors for the Winter 2022 edition of the Asfar e-Journal! If you are interested in writing an article on the Caucasus, Balkans, the Middle East and North Africa get in touch at The e-Journal focuses on the Balkans, Middle East and North Africa or the Caucasus. Articles can be on … Continued

e-Journal Edition: August 2021

Dear Reader, This time we are paying tribute. I have heard people say that explaining Brexit using the example of Erasmus+ is a strange thing to do. And it may indeed be so, but my friend’s sister would probably disagree. OK, maybe this is not how she explains Brexit, but this is at least one … Continued

A COVID-19 experience in Baku

Emina, International Project Manager at Asfar, spent early March 2020 in Baku and although only staying for a few days, she collected a lot of memories and specific learning experiences from this trip.  During this period, we were all learning how to live with the COVID-19 pandemic, having to literally change our behavior overnight – … Continued

e-Journal Edition: January 2021

Dear Reader, This time, I want to tell you about two events, one you are likely to be familiar with and the other not so much. Just over ten years ago Mohamed Bouazizi, a street vendor in Tunisia, set himself on fire in protest of poor living conditions, corruption and lack of freedoms in his … Continued

Where is Georgia, exactly?

A personal essay on the difficulties and dangers of categorising countries to regions. “Where is Georgia, exactly?” This was a question I was asked many times before, during, and after my trip to Georgia in 2019. Invariably, the preceding exchange was this:  “Georgia? The US state?” “No, Georgia, the independent country.” And then: Where is … Continued

The Mythological and Cultural Traces of the Caucasian Folklore

Myths as part of the national identity of the Caucasian People National myths are part of the genetic code of every nation. The 19th century saw the rise of nationalism as many nations sought their national myths, finding connection with their glorious past through historical continuity. Even today, national myths play an important part in … Continued

Asfar’s International e-Journal – call for Editors

We are looking for young people to join our Editorial Team at the Asfar e-Journal! We need Editors to cover the Balkans and Caucasus. The Asfar e-Journal publishes articles on the Caucasus, Balkans, Middle East and North Africa, supporting young writers to write about these regions. If you would be interested in joining the team, … Continued

Asfar’s International e-Journal – call for contributors

Asfar’s e-Journal is planning to publish a Winter edition, and we are looking for writers – especially interested in the North Africa and the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasus – to be a part of this new edition. We welcome proposals for articles on the Middle East, Caucasus, and Balkans, on a range of topics. … Continued

Asfar’s August 2020 edition of the e-Journal is now online

Asfar’s latest edition of the e-Journal, a range of articles and creative pieces focusing on the Middle East and North Africa, the Balkans and the Caucasus. Asfar would like to thank all contributors who have been involved in the August 2020 edition of the e-Journal. And especially would like to thank and welcome our new … Continued

Editorial note – August 2020

Dear Reader, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this new edition of the Asfar e-Journal. It has been a long 18 months which seem to have witnessed it all; indeed, many of us have already had enough of 2020. Undoubtedly, much has happened; yet, equally, some would claim not enough has … Continued

1700 Years of the Grapevine Cross: Christianity in Georgia

The miracle of Christianity in Georgia The Georgian brand of Christianity is distinctive, and it is popular. The Georgian Orthodox Church (GOC) is one of fourteen autocephalous (independent) churches in the Eastern Orthodox family of churches, and occupies a prominent position in Eastern Orthodox hierarchy: second-most senior of the Junior Patriarchates, the second tier of … Continued

Asfar International e-Journal – now online – December 2017

Welcome to Asfar’s December 2017 edition of our international e-Journal.   This edition focuses on a range of thought-provoking topics, as always, including Qatar and the current situation in the Gulf, the Palestinian diaspora, conflict resolution in Israel and Palestine, Turkey-EU relations, and the issue of child marriage in the Caucasus. The Qatar Conundrum by Rich … Continued

A profile of Child Marriage in the Caucasus

Child Marriage is still an ever-present issue throughout the world, and is most widely known and understood in Africa and the Middle East by the general public, but in Europe and the wider Western countries knowledge of child marriage in the Caucasus is limited. There is a lack of information and awareness of the causes … Continued

Child Marriage in the Caucasus Volunteer needed!

  Child Marriage in the Caucasus Research Volunteer Asfar, an international NGO ( is seeking a volunteer Researcher to provide key information on the issue of child marriage in the Caucasus, specifically in Georgia and Azerbaijan. According to the UNICEF’s the State of the World’s Children 2016 report, 1% of Georgian girls are married by … Continued

Asfar e-Journal – November 2016 – now online

Asfar’s latest e-Journal for November 2016 is now online. Led by young people, Asfar’s unique e-Journal offers insightful glimpses into the Middle East, North Africa and the Caucasus. This issue, the first by our new senior editor Joe Worthington, includes a range of articles on the First World War, Black Bedouin Tribes, the Israel-Jordan gas deal, experiences … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Asfar team.

Published by Asfar in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)