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The Wall, is a place for all young people, volunteers, staff and partners involved in an Asfar-led international learning and volunteering programme: to express their thoughts, feelings and to tell both Asfar and others about their experiences whether it be during an:

  • International Traineeship;
  • Youth Exchange;
  • Volunteering;
  • Training; or
  • Peacebuilding activity.

Feel free to post your memories, photos and videos here.

A Story of Education and Global Citizenship: International Traineeship for 4 months with Anthropolis

For 4 months, I had the opportunity to work with Anthropolis, an einclusive education charity in the heart of Budapest. This nonprofit organisation helps students, young people, volunteers and teachers in improving their skills and educating them in a variety of topics targeted towards Global Education Goals. These include educational projects and training camps about … Continued

Parisian Perspectives: 4 months placement with FISPE in France

For 4 months, I have had the privilege of working at the FISPE association in the heart of Paris. This association helps immigrants and refugees living in France with their social inclusion and employment opportunities by offering a number of French classes and social impact projects. Throughout my time at FISPE, I was heavily involved … Continued

Desert Dreams and Urban Adventures: 6 months International traineeship with MIHI in Egypt

During my six month long traineeship in Egypt I’ve learned a lot about myself, and for the first time experienced what it means to feel a real sense of fulfilment and purpose from my work. During these six months, I was fortunate enough to experience so many different things, from living in an oasis and … Continued

A Journey of Friendship, Learning, and Exploring Diversity – International Traineeship in Egypt

Egypt was a fascinating and beautiful place I got to call home for 6 months. I am so greatfull for all that this experience taught me, and the change it has bought out in myself. The traineeship was challenging but I am so pleased to have been able to share this time with Lois and … Continued

Cultural Exploration & Community Impact: International Traineeship in Beja, Portugal with Check-Inn

During my three months in Porugal, I immersed myself in Portuguese culture, gaining valuable experience with international communities. Helping organise aid for refugees was transformative, profoundly impacting my personal and professional growth. This experience taught me that creating and nurturing a community is essential for a fulfilling life. The impact of helping others while honing … Continued

A journey of exploration into Egyptian culture and community – International Traineeship with MIHI

My time with MIHI was a unique experience that allowed me to gain knowledge of the third sector, enhance my skillset and open my eyes to the challenges facing NGOs, particularly when the team is small and has access to limited resources. I obtained a first-hand insight into the impact these factors have on both … Continued

Indonesia – a truly magical place – 3 months International traineeship with Sivana Foundation

Alongside Tilly – a good friend from school – I lived in Jakarta, Indonesia, completing a three month internship. We worked for the Sivana Foundation, a small NGO, who hope to improve the quality and quantity of education available to Indonesian children. This was a wonderful opportunity, giving us an insight into how charities have … Continued

Working towards innovation and creativity in education – 3 month international traineeship with Know & Can in Sofia, Bulgaria

Over the past three months, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to live and work in Sofia, Bulgaria, thanks to Asfar’s International traineeship program. My host organisation was the NGO Know & Can – Сдружение “Знам и Мога” – which is an educational NGO based in Sofia that works in the field of non-formal education and … Continued

A complete immersion in to an inter-cultural and creative environment. – 6 months in Romania with International traineeship

My experience in Romania has been nothing short of extraordinary, filled with meaningful encounters, cultural immersion, and enriching collaborations. During the initial months, I dove headfirst into the local culture, organizing workshops and participating in various art projects. Throughout my stay, I embarked on an art residency at a school for children outside mainstream education, … Continued

Exploring life in a megacity – International Traineeship with Sivana Foundation in Jakarta, Indonesia

Over the past three months, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to live and work in Jakarta, Indonesia, thanks to Asfar’s International traineeship program. Here I worked for the Sivana Foundation, a local education NGO dedicated to empowering disadvantaged children through innovative educational initiatives. I worked across a range of projects from researching international funding to … Continued

The transformative power of global education – International Traineeship with Anthropolis in Hungary for 6 monhts

Living in Budapest for six months was a truly unique experience for me. By working with Anthropolis I learned a lot about the transformative power of global education and digital storytelling. I could clearly see the importance and value in the work I did, and how these projects have the potential to change the lives … Continued

Expanding Horizons: Reflecting on my 3-Month International Traineeship with the Center for Knowledge Management in Skopje, North Macedonia

Participating in Asfar’s International Traineeship program with the Centre for Knowledge Management programme has been an amazing experience for me. I had many responsibilities and worked on several EU research projects; working with partners from all over Europe including Belgium, Italy, France, and Estonia. The Work introduced me to a lot of new concepts and … Continued

A Journey of Traineeship and Inspiration in Istanbul – 3 months Turing Scheme International Traineeships with Imece Network

Living and working in Istanbul, Turkey has been one kind of an experience for me. This vibrant and chaotic city can both excite and sometimes shock you, however I loved every single moment of this journey. Throughout my traineeship I got to know so many amazing and inspiring young people and volunteers of Imece Network. … Continued

Acquiring Invaluable Insights: Navigating International Contexts – 3 months Turing Scheme International Traineeships with Imece Network

It has been an extraordinary privilege to intern with Imece Network in Turkey through Asfar’s International Traineeship programme. Throughout this experience, I have gained profound insights into the remarkable initiatives undertaken by Imece Network for the betterment of young people. My responsibilities included facilitating weekly English-speaking sessions, managing the NGO’s communications and social media, as … Continued

Navigating European Youth Goals – My 2 months volunteering experience at MIHI in Alexandria, Egypt

During my two-months volunteering placement at MIHI in Alexandria, Egypt, I actively engaged in a gamification programme aimed at understanding and advocating for the European Youth Goals amongst young people. One notable opportunity was supporting at a meeting, where my focus was on reporting participant development within the project and contributing to the forthcoming phase—digital … Continued

Being more present and grounded in a new place – 2 months in Egypt, with MIHI

I cannot express just how grateful I am to have spent the past two months in Egypt. Living and working in such a beautiful setting with such committed people has been deeply enriching. During my first week in Egypt with MIHI, I attended the Conflict Resolution, Peace and Democracy training course in Siwa Oasis. Although … Continued

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