Asfar is continuing with the Woman of the Week campaign also in Feburary. Check out every week for a new entry and learn about the achievements of woman that have been often overlooked by history.
Fata Orlović, a Bosniak woman who fought a legal battle to have a church removed from her back garden. After 20 years Fata Orlović is able to move on, with it finally being ruled that the church must move.
Today we celebrate Fata’s perseverance!

Hedwig Dohm, is a German Feminist and author. Dohm is most known for being one of the first thinkers to see gender roles as being a result of socialisation and not gender roles.

Sirimavo Bandaranaike, is Sri Lanka’s first female Prime Minister and *the world’s* first female Prime Minister!

Policarpa Salavarrieta, was a Colombian spy against the Spanish forces who had colonised the region.