Editorial Note – December 2018

Welcome to the latest edition of the Asfar e-journal, a collection of works celebrating diversity, cross-cultural knowledge, and a celebration of commonalities over differences. I write this post on the one hundredth anniversary of the armistice of World War One, the calamity that took millions of lives and created the conditions for the rise of … Continued

The Children of Yemen: The World’s Mass Atrocity

As thousands of children starve in Yemen, it seems as if the world has selected to ignore their suffering. (Photo credit: The Guardian) Visiting Yemen in late November,  World Food Program’s Managing Director David Beasley came away with the following summary of what he saw: “Yemen is the stuff of nightmares, of horror, of deprivation, … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Asfar team.

Published by Asfar in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)