RESOLVE: East – Youth Exchange e-Film launched!

Asfar has just released the Erasmus+ RESOLVE: East Reconciliation for Development Youth Exchange e-Film! Celebrating young peoples’ journey as they develop their reconciliation and peacebuilding skills, life skills, leadership and intercultural skills, while meeting their peers from different countries and launching the youth-wing of the RESOLVE: Network.  

RESOLVE: East – Social Action e-Film launched

Asfar has just released the Erasmus+ RESOLVE: East Social Action e-Film! Celebrating Resolvers’ journey and achievements as they design, plan and organise their own community social action and manage the youth-wing of the RESOLVE: Network. To watch the film, visit –

Erasmus+ SDG 4 Youth – London & Belgrade

Erasmus+ SDG 4 Youth: In July and August 2017, Asfar and Serbian partner, Friends of Children of Serbia delivered a youth exchange promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to young people in our countries. The youth exchange facilitated the coordination of two youth exchanges one in Belgrade, Serbia and the other in London, UK, and … Continued

Erasmus+ Evropa2Evraziis Youth Exchange to Istanbul report (11th July to 17th July 2016)

Between June and September 2016, Asfar organised 7 Erasmus+ funded youth exchanges, including to Turkey, Israel, Macedonia, Serbia, Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, as part of Erasmus+ Evropa2Evraziis; Europe, Gallipoli and the Arab Revolt and S4C. Erasmus+ is an EU funded transnational learning scheme providing a wide range of educational opportunities for young people, including: Youth Exchanges; … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Asfar team.

Published by Asfar in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)