e-Journal Edition: August 2021

Dear Reader, This time we are paying tribute. I have heard people say that explaining Brexit using the example of Erasmus+ is a strange thing to do. And it may indeed be so, but my friend’s sister would probably disagree. OK, maybe this is not how she explains Brexit, but this is at least one … Continued

Education as Soft Power and Beyond

Education is a good thing. This is a generalisation, but one of the very few with which most people would agree. Now, what education delivered to whom, where and how are issues which have led to wars, both verbal and physical, both of epic scale. While, historically, contemplating these questions has been considered a male-brain … Continued

Digital Talks: Rombelong Tutoring: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and education in the UK

Our next Digital Talks: ‘Rombelong Tutoring: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and education in the UK‘ by Chrissie Browne, Widening Participation Department at King’s College London. Chrissie Browne leads on the work to increase representation of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller students in Higher Education by addressing barriers that occur throughout the education lifecycle. The Talk will … Continued

Woman of the Week – January

Asfar is continuing with the Woman of the Week campaign in the new year. Check out every week for a new entry and learn about the achievements of woman that have been often overlooked by history. Kamala Harris will make history by being the first female, first black and first South Asian American to be … Continued

A very successful RESOLVE: Network Youth Conference

The RESOLVE: Network Youth Conference was organised on the 10th December 2020 has brought together 142 delegates, speakers and team members who joined this 6 hours long conference to mark UN75. The Conference started with a keynote speech from Jonathan Eshpar, Political Affairs Officer with the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. During the first Panel … Continued

Erasmus+ SDG 4 Youth – London & Belgrade

Erasmus+ SDG 4 Youth: In July and August 2017, Asfar and Serbian partner, Friends of Children of Serbia delivered a youth exchange promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to young people in our countries. The youth exchange facilitated the coordination of two youth exchanges one in Belgrade, Serbia and the other in London, UK, and … Continued

Erasmus+ Evropa2Evraziis Youth Exchange to Istanbul report (11th July to 17th July 2016)

Between June and September 2016, Asfar organised 7 Erasmus+ funded youth exchanges, including to Turkey, Israel, Macedonia, Serbia, Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, as part of Erasmus+ Evropa2Evraziis; Europe, Gallipoli and the Arab Revolt and S4C. Erasmus+ is an EU funded transnational learning scheme providing a wide range of educational opportunities for young people, including: Youth Exchanges; … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Asfar team.

Published by Asfar in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)