We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the LAB4GE – Learning Abroad to Do Better at Home for Gender Equality project, a KA2 Exchanging Good Practice in Adult Education, which was financed by the Erasmus+ program for a duration of 32 months. It has been an incredible journey, and today, we celebrate our accomplishments and the impactful work we have done together.
Here’s a recap of what we achieved during this remarkable project:
1 Catalogue of good practice in Gender Equality
1 Commitment Paper for Companies, NGOs, and Social Enterprises translated into 6 languages
1 flyer
2 Press releases
5 newsletters
5 International Mobilities in 5 countries
15+ Online management meetings using MURAL
1 TPM (Transnational Project Meeting) in Romania as a mid-term evaluation meeting
Social Media Strategy that reached out to 92,384+ people in 6 countries
We are immensely proud of the hard work and dedication shown by every participant, partner organization, and the entire LAB4GE team. Together, we have made a significant impact in promoting gender equality and empowering communities across borders.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the individuals and organizations who collaborated with us, shared their expertise, and helped us create a platform for knowledge exchange and social transformation.
To the participants who engaged wholeheartedly in this project, thank you for your commitment and passion. Your contributions have been invaluable, and we hope that the knowledge and experiences gained will continue to inspire positive change in your lives and communities.
As we conclude this chapter, we look forward to the ripple effect of our efforts in promoting gender equality, not just abroad but also in our own communities. Let’s continue to build upon the foundations we have laid during LAB4GE and work together for a more inclusive and equitable world.
More information about the project is available here: https://buff.ly/3dnJ5nm