Asfar participated in the LAB4GE Gender Equality training course in Budapest with more than 30 participants coming from the UK, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Denmark and Romania.
Through different activities, participants got to know each other better, as well as found out more about the project and its objectives. As well as talked about their motivation to participate in this training course.
In addition, participants had a group conversation with a Gender Equality professional Katalin Oborni. Katalin is working at the HÉTFA Research Institute and mainly works in the field of gender equality and education, gender-based violence, and adaptation methodologies for informal education. During the day she introduced Gender Equality in Education and discussed the different gender issues present in each of the countries.
During day 2 of our LAG4GE training course in Budapest, participants were introduced to different methodologies and were able to learn from all partners. In the morning we started with Asfar’s session “Gender Sensitive approach to Social Entrepreneurship” and InterCollege introduced methods of women’s empowerment from their Equal Start programme.
During the afternoon I-Box shared “WOMCA” – Boosting women’s creative spirit to start social entrepreneurship, International Internships fostered an understanding of Human Trafficking and Associazione Sud shared Gratitude a different approach to Vulnerability.
From day 3 participants were introduced to the Digital Storytelling method by Anthropolis. In particular how to craft a narrated story based on personal experience. crafting a narrated story based on personal experiences.
After the introduction, they started discussing in teams and writing their stories. They developed their own storyboard and recorded audio and the training course continued by introducing different IT tools they can use for editing their short films.
During the final day of the LAB4GE training course in Budapest the screening of the short films created by the participants was organised. After this participants planned workshops they will organise upon return to their home countries to share the knowledge and skills developed during the training course.
We would like to thank all the participants for their participation, personal views and courage in sharing their personal stories during the training course. As well, we would like to thank Anthropolis for hosting us, and all other partners I-Box, International Internships, Associazione Sud and InterCollege for their commitment to the project.