Asfar launches Young Kreativ Social Enterprises programme

Asfar has launched a new Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership – Young Kreativ Social Enterprises – to promote social entrepreneurship opportunities for young people throughout Europe.

Young Kreativ Social Enterprises brings together an experienced strategic partnership including Asfar (lead), Anthropolis (Hungary), Materahub (Italy) and Centre for Knowledge Management (North Macedonia).

Erasmus+ Young Kreativ Social Enterprises through the mobilisation of Digital skills and Inter-cultural dialogue aims to boost and encourage creative social entrepreneurial learning of young people through upskilling and empowering youth workers, educators and mentors as primary vehicles of the professional development of youth.

With the aim to address the increase in NEET rates, support youth mentors with an online/blended methodology and itinerary which assures the entrepreneurial skills acquisition of young people at risk of NEET in order to increase engagement in education and their employability in the new dynamic and digital labour market.

If you would like to find out more about Young Kreativ Social Enterprises, contact Sheniz Tan

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Published by Asfar in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)