Youth Entrepreneurial Competence Matrix project launched

Asfar is happy to announce that the Erasmus+ Youth Entrepreneurial Competence Matrix project has been officially launched. The Youth Entrepreneurial Competence Matrix project has started today with a Kick-off meeting and will last for 12 months. The partnership includes partners from 5 countries (Slovakia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and UK) who will organise … Continued

Erasmus+ RESOLVE: Peace Camps Online Dialogue Activity

The RESOLVE: Peace Camps Online Dialogue Activity is a skills development & dialogue focused activity where young community change-makers and local peacebuilders address the societies’ social intolerance throughout Europe. The RESOLVE: Peace Camps 2020 is designed to support youth leaders to represent themselves to decision-makers, develop their conflict resolution skills, and ensuring young people are … Continued

Erasmus+ RESOLVE: Peace Camps project launched

Asfar is happy to announce that the Eramus+ RESOLVE: Peace Camps project has been officially launched. The RESOLVE: Peace Camps project has started today with a Kick-off meeting and will last for 12 months. The partnership includes partners from 7 countries (Hungary, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, Cyprus, Georgia and UK) who will work together … Continued

A very successful RESOLVE: Network Youth Conference

The RESOLVE: Network Youth Conference was organised on the 10th December 2020 has brought together 142 delegates, speakers and team members who joined this 6 hours long conference to mark UN75. The Conference started with a keynote speech from Jonathan Eshpar, Political Affairs Officer with the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process. During the first Panel … Continued

Erasmus+ RESOLVE: Reconciliation thru Youth – dates announced

  Erasmus+ RESOLVE: Reconciliation thru Youth is a reconciliation youth exchange & network programme, which aims to use the power of Conflict Resolution tools such as Simulation Games, Sport for Peace and wider reconciliation tools and learning to resolve local and community-level conflicts which especially affects young people today. All youth exchange dates are confirmed!   … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Asfar team.

Published by Asfar in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)