A COVID-19 experience in Baku

Emina, International Project Manager at Asfar, spent early March 2020 in Baku and although only staying for a few days, she collected a lot of memories and specific learning experiences from this trip.  During this period, we were all learning how to live with the COVID-19 pandemic, having to literally change our behavior overnight – … Continued

ESC RESOLVE: Volunteer 4 Peace – International Volunteers needed

Asfar is now recruiting for European Solidarity Corps volunteers for RESOLVE: Volunteer 4 Peace (UK applicants only).   Asfar currently has 4 fully funded volunteering placements in Sarajevo, Bosnia-i-Herzegovina and Baku, Azerbaijan as part of our RESOLVE European Solidarity Corps programmes for anyone from the UK aged 18 to 30. RESOLVE: Volunteer 4 Peace is … Continued

Erasmus+ S4C: Baku and Marakesh

In May and June, Asfar was involved in two Erasmus+ youth exchange in Azerbaijan and Morocco, as part of our Sport 4 Change programme stream, which aims to mobilise sport for development to promote skills, encourage cultural engagement among people of different backgrounds and conflict resolution. Participants from Morocco, UK, Israel and Azerbaijan spent a … Continued

Asfar e-Journal – November 2016 – now online

Asfar’s latest e-Journal for November 2016 is now online. Led by young people, Asfar’s unique e-Journal offers insightful glimpses into the Middle East, North Africa and the Caucasus. This issue, the first by our new senior editor Joe Worthington, includes a range of articles on the First World War, Black Bedouin Tribes, the Israel-Jordan gas deal, experiences … Continued

Erasmus+ Evropa2Evraziis Youth Exchange to Istanbul report (11th July to 17th July 2016)

Between June and September 2016, Asfar organised 7 Erasmus+ funded youth exchanges, including to Turkey, Israel, Macedonia, Serbia, Azerbaijan and Bulgaria, as part of Erasmus+ Evropa2Evraziis; Europe, Gallipoli and the Arab Revolt and S4C. Erasmus+ is an EU funded transnational learning scheme providing a wide range of educational opportunities for young people, including: Youth Exchanges; … Continued

All writers' views in articles are their own and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Asfar team.

Published by Asfar in London, UK - ISSN 2055-7957 (Online)