Sustainable Development Goals 4 Youth or SDG 4 YOUTH, connects young people from Eastern Europe to young people from Western Europe to develop new skills, cultures and build awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals and how by 2030 young people could all contribute to changing the world for those living in poverty, especially in the Global South.



Young people will particularly learn about their role in the promotion and achievement of the SDGs, especially through volunteering, civic participation and social action.


Participants will develop a wide range of skills, with particular focus on youth-led Social Action projects, and including: Life Skills; Creative Skills; Employability Skills; Work-based Skills, while also developing key informal and non-formal learning skills in Asfar’s unique Micro-Teach format, incorporating Sport for Development tools.

SDG 4 Youth will also inform and promote a wide range on Career sectors, including International Development, Youth work, Campaigning, Advocacy, Teaching. SDG 4 Youth will organise for young participants to meet with decision-makers, businesses and employers and a wide range of other sector professionals to offer guidance and advice on how to develop their careers.

Participants will learn about how they can volunteer on international development project both through EVS and through a wider range of voluntary opportunities, including through Asfar’s partnership network.

SDG 4 Youth will support participants to launch their own SDG-focused campaign, to promote the Sustainable Development Goals in their home countries, Europe and the rest of the world. With particular focus on promoting them to countries’ with significant poverty and deprivation, the youth-led campaign will encourage Countries to be more responsible. The campaign, will be designed by the participants and based on the training and awareness they gain through the project. Asfar and FCS will support participants in developing their ideas and launching their project/campaigns/volunteering activities.

Furthermore, participants will also learn about different cultures on a peer to peer levels, with particular focus on addressing and overcoming racism, xenophobia and social exclusion.

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