The RESOLVE: Truth & Reconciliation Commission solidarity project, is a youth initiative, led by young people for young people.
The RESOLVE: Truth & Reconciliation Commission solidarity project is funded by the European Solidarity Corps and aims to empower young people to design, plan, managE and deliver youth-led social action in their local communities, building upon the work of past European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ RESOLVE projects.
Asfar’s Youth Board, a group of active young people and current members of the RESOLVE: Network – Youth Wing, are responsible for the day to day management of the solidarity project, with support from Asfar’s projects team and our network of coaches.
The project’s objectives are to:
- Promote youth-led social action
- Reduce conflict & Build reconciliation
- Promote social inclusion
- Increase civic awareness – around the realities of subjects such as: economics migrants; EU citizens; the EU; Brexit – ensuring more diverse views are being shared and discussed, rather than one-sided views
- Reduce inter-community anger – most of this anger which is created by politicians – the project organisers will offer a platform of dialogue and mediation to break down some of this anger through encouraging responsible expression.
- Increased Social entrepreneurial skills development amongst youth through peer to peer learning.
The RESOLVE: Truth & Reconciliation Commission solidarity project aims to address:
- the lack of youth developing reconciliation/conflict resolution skills to address their personal, community or wider conflicts
- the Rise of the Right in the UK – especially in relation to attracting young people who do not feel their voices are being heard
- Community isolation and Community-based conflict caused by the changes in our society started due to the Economic Crisis, Austerity and Brexit
- Life after the pandemic
- the negative view of Migrants, Refugees and anyone else from a socially disadvantaged group who has been portrayed negatively by the press and the Far Right
- Segregation within our communities
- Need for social enterprise skills and initiative amongst young jobseekers
Initially, the Youth Board aims to co-develop their peers, developing the skillsets of other young people in reconciliation skills through delivering some of the activities they learned during previous RESOLVE programmes – such as Sport for Peace, Simulation games, Theatre for Peace role plays, People-to-people dialogue, Mediation activities etc.
Activities include:
- Co-development of peers in RESOLVE style reconciliation for development skills:
- Simulation games
- Dialogue skills
- Mediation skills
- Community-based social action activities:
- Social Action – design skills
- Social Action – planning skills
- Organise RESOLVE-themed activities i.e. Simulation games
- Promotional campaign on community conflicts & wider social issues
- Community fundraising activities
- Youth-led Truth Commission:
- Digital Conflict Resolution event
- Local RESOLVE: Network meetings, promo events & future social action planning:
- Participants will agree on a 24 month strategy for the RESOLVE: Network- Youth Wing
- Promotion campaign for the RESOLVE: Network
- Appoint a Network Youth Board
- Host regular RESOLVE: Network events, workshops and activities
If you would like to get involved in the project management, contact the Youth Board secretary at jade.sullivan@asfar.org.uk or to learn more about forthcoming activities please follow our social media, mailshots and website news updates.