Europe, Gallipoli & the Arab Revolt project
Young people from Europe; Turkey; & the Middle East, participate in a Youth Exchange focusing on how the First World War changed the World, while participating in a Life changing experience developing work-focused skills through informal learning techniques including: Theatre; Art; Digital; Literacy; Photography; & Social Media to act as a platform for young people to have a Voice.
EGAR Youth Exchange
Through a multi-lateral Youth Exchange, focusing on 5 countries which were the destinations of 5 significant aspects of World War I: Gallipoli; Arab Revolt; Europe and Eastern Battlefields, young people will learn about the World War I through a unique experience during its’ centenary between 2014 to 2018.
Young People will develop new skills, designed to improve their opportunities to move into employment or self-employment, as well as mobilising digital and art-based skills to promote an outlet of self-expression. EGAR will also connect young people from different backgrounds, to learn about their different cultures and shared history through World War I and most importantly how this War influenced and affected their own countries from 1918 to the present day.
With Youth Exchanges taking place in: UK; Israel; Serbia; Macedonia; and Turkey, the EGAR programme will deliver 5 stages throughout the Youth Exchange programme:
- Work Development training
- You:ME
- Creative Skills
- E-Film production
- Film Launch
Work Development training: participants will develop a range of Life & Work skills, to assist them into long term employment including: Communication; Inter-personal; Respect; Understanding; Employability; Team skills.
You:ME: participants will learn about each other, their cultural backgrounds & how World War I affected their countries. They will learn and practice different languages, through games, theatre role plays and photography-based scavenger hunts. Participants are assigned to different teams and learn about the differences in UK, Israel, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey pre & during WWI & the changes in society post World War I. Participants will consider identity; ideologies; democracy & different types of citizenship. Participants will also learn about Propaganda used by all Countries during WWI & how this has influenced modern Medias, Creativity & one’s understanding of Society.
Creative Skills: Participants will take part in a range of Art-themed informal learning activities, investigating the World War I. Skills will include: Theatre & Drama skills; Literature & Article composition; Photography skills; Music; Film-making skills; Digital & Social Media skills. Near the end of the activity, participants will come together & decide on a Film theme that represent young peoples’ understanding of WWI & their own thoughts on the events between 1914 to 1918, & the after effects.
E-Film production: Participants will appoint a Director, who will assign roles to participants including: Script writers; Producers; Actors; Photographers; & Editors. They will all work together, over a 3 day period to film, produce & edit their final film.
Film Launch: participants will spend 2-3 days preparing for their own Film Festival & Launch, marketing it through online channels & social media, learning at each step required for a successful launch. Launches will be held, & platformed both on EGAR’s own website, as well as all EGAR partners websites & their networks.