International tensions and conflicts form an ongoing concern for Europe and its neighboring regions. As developments in the last years have shown even military confrontations are not from the agenda and reached close to the borders of the European Union.

The resulting mistrust and hatred between the conflicting parties are not possible to only solve on a political level but need to be accompanied by efforts, which directly address civil society representatives and normal citizens. Although being a commonplace it remains true that the young generation is playing a key role in those efforts. In an age where opinion and attitudes are still more flexible, those interventions can have a crucial influence and provide an important impulse for a future peaceful coexistence.
Looking at the practice of peace-building activities, it is however often the case that numerous actions are taking place without a coordination between main actors in the field. For having a significant impact, a sustainable partnership on organizational level would be a necessary precondition, which would allow to work on strategic measures over a longer period of time. A strong network, would also allow to facilitate an exchange on the challenges and best practices and create a fruitful learning opportunity for all actors involved.
Taking those aspects into account, the PBA “Peace Praxis – Partnerships for non-violent conflict transformation” therefore wants to bring youth workers and youth leaders from EECA and partner countries together to learn from each other experience and build a base for long-term cooperation. The project will furthermore include a small study visit element, which will give the participants the chance to get a deeper insight in the work of major German organizations and donors in this thematic field.
December 2016

Berlin, Germany

KA1, Partnership building activity
5 from program countries + 4 from EECA region + Russia
Lead Partner
CRISP – Crisis Simulation for Peace