Erasmus+ RESOLVE: New Youth Order
RESOLVE: New Youth Order, provides an opportunity for young people to engage with decision-makers on a local, regional, national, EU and international-basis to share their thoughts, opinions and participate in democratic practices.
Since 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, ushered in the ‘New World Order’ resulting in a change of political power and the foundation of 22 new countries in Europe, Euro-Asia etc.
With the Economic crisis, the Refugee crisis and Brexit, Europe is once again facing dramatical change. RESOLVE: New Youth Order, is a dialogue-focused application providing an opportunity for young people affected by these dramatic changes to engage, debate and influence European and neighbouring countries’ decision-makers.
As a RESOLVE programme, it will mobilise a range of reconciliation and peacebuilding techniques to achieve this including:
- People to people dialogue
- Debate for Peace
- Simulation games
- Mediation techniques
- Effective communication & advocacy
While also organising a platform of events, meetings and activities for ‘Resolvers’ (a young person) to connect with decision-makers.
This will include:
- Young person to decision-maker dialogue sessions to discuss the future of young people, Britain and young people’s role as former citizens (or continued citizens if Brexit has still not occurred by the time this project is implemented).
- Young people connect with decision-makers to discuss conflict in their communities caused by key socio-economical-political issues which have occurred over the last 5-10 years including: long term effects of the Economic Crisis and Austerity, Refugee crisis, the rise of the Right and increased social intolerance, the social effects of Brexit and other issues causing conflict.
- Debate for Peace activities – bringing young people experiencing conflict in the partner countries to debate their position, the situation and to engage with peer young people and decision-makers about their future and participation in democratic life in all partner countries and the EU
- Reconciliation Simulation games with young people representing different democratic institutions and replicating the roles of decision-makers in their home countries, EU Council and other democratic bodies.
The project will include 2 UK-based activities for local UK people and 2 transnational-level activities – one in London, UK and one in Uppsala, Sweden involving young people from: UK; Sweden; Azerbaijan; and Bosnia-i-Herzegovina.
To apply, register here.
Alternatively, if you have already been involved in a RESOLVE programme, please email expressing your interest in the project.